This article provides the latest information on the Goose Rocks Beach land rights case. When I was first looking to purchase land here, I was asked, "Aren't you worried about this case? What if you're not allowed to use the beach." That was not a concern of mine then, as the coastal home owners specifically indicated they had no desire to prevent appropriate and lawful use of the beach. And, as I've gotten to know more owners in the area, I am even less concerned that there would be any material impact on Goose Rocks Beach goers. The main entrances of Goose Rocks Beach lead to beach that does not have beach front property, so it's public. One of the highlights of the beach is walking to the tidal river for some fishing or a swim, but I remain unconcerned that we'll ever see an owner stand in the way of that access at high tide, which they could now, or by way of the wet sand, if the court rules in favor of the home owners. I think the community will be relieved when this comes to a close, regardless of the verdict.